mardi 29 septembre 2009

Trench Warfare Intro

Before we get into the Injuries that were common in the trenches, and the medicines or surgeries that took place to heal those injuries, we should know what a trench actually is. Trench warfare was a form of warfare in which both sides that were fighting would occupy opposite fortified fighting lines. Those lines were consisted mainly of trenches. In a trench, the armies were basically untouchable by the enemy's weapons that sent bullets, and were powered by fire powder. Also, the armies were protected from arrows if they're enemies decide to use those. Trench warfare became the basic style of fighting during World War 1 in Europe. Another advantage from using trenches was that they were only going to be worn down slowly. Wikipedia's sources tell us that Trench warfare originated when there was a revolution in firepowered weapons but that revolution was not equal to the advances in mobility.

The main advantage of Trench Warfare was for the defending side because it would take them long before they would be loosing. Both sides would create heavily-armed trench and very complex systems opposing each other along a , pro"front" which the soldiers called the front line. The area between two trench lines that were in a war would be called "no man's land"and that area had no protection what's so ever.

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